Thursday, August 16, 2007

Chops in Coke

I really have not thought of a name for this recipe but it has been a frequent dish on our family table. This is when there's nothing inside the freezer to cook but porkchops. Well ladies, I have invented something... a speedy way of turning an unexpected to a miraculous, mouth-watering meal! It's so simple to do... you will find this dish on your table often as well. Happy Coke-ing!


1 Coke Litro
1.5 kls. Porkchops
a couple of bay leaves
1 bulb sweet onion sliced
cracked pepper
salt to taste
a pinch of dried mixed herbs (optional)
1 heapful teaspoon of sweet ginamos (those from the bottle will do. The spicy ones are preferable)
fried garlic for garnishing

In a medium casserole, arrange and spread the chops around. Pour in the Coke, onion and bayleaves. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes until meat is tender. Add in salt, freshly cracked pepper. Just before serving, try to take out the oil that have surfaced then add in the ginamos until evenly mixed. The meat is so tender you can serve immediately with the sauce as a rice topping with sprinkled fried garlic! Yum!

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